Saturday, September 5, 2009

Is it really schadenfreude if you sometimes feel bad?

Schadenfreude is a German word that means "pleasure derived from the misfortune of others". I wouldn't say that I derive pleasure from all misfortune, just the kind of misfortune that the misfortunate had some control over. Someone losing their job, falling down the stairs or getting a flat tire is not funny. Someone hurting themselves while showing off? Now that's funny.

There are a few exceptions to the earlier rule, instances where you will find me laughing until I freaking pass-out at some poor soul who had no control over their particular situation. These instances all have three things in common: they have some element of physical humor, the person was not seriously hurt and I feel really, really bad that I derived so much pleasure from their mishap. Frau Schadenfreude is a nickname given to me by Tony after one too many rewinds of the paperboy in "While You Were Sleeping". If you're not familiar, it involves a paperboy going ass-over-appetite as he throws papers from his bike while encountering a patch of ice.

It's a sickness. I know. I come by it naturally though . . . have you ever met my Mom? She is a kind, God-fearing woman who wouldn't hurt a fly but if the fly racks himself while trying to impress his friends? That changes everything. Her and I together are regularly moved to tears (not the sympathetic kind) while watching something as benign as those home video shows. My Dad just shakes his head and says, "You two are sick". 

All in all, not that interesting but I figured you might be wondering where the crazy name came from.

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